Task 8 - Evaluation

Looking at the project the whole project went better than I expected. My main issue was the time I had with this. The was over ambitious with my idea and the detail I wanted to add to the 3D walk through that threw me off schedule. But I was able to finish it by doing work at home and using my free time to work on it.

Starting with the first task I was able to keep track of the work and keep up with the initial schedule while making slight changes whenever I needed some extra time. Every time changed the schedule I have talked about why I have changed it along with a screenshot of the changes made. Overall I was able update my schedule and mostly stick to it with no problems.

Having a schedule really helped me keep track of the work I was doing and kept me from procrastinating. With the help of the schedule I was able to do the early parts of the project such as the research and the design pack done on time but was taking longer on the production part.

Then I moved on to doing the research and idea generation. I simply looked for secondary research on 1940s hospitals, which includes pictures and videos of movies, games etc. This did not as long as i expected because it is quite easy to come across pictures from 1940s hospitals because of the second world war taking place. I also included some scenes I have seen in movies such as captain america. This task help me a lot to get the idea for the layout and the models I needed to make the hospital walk-through. I included a number of examples and talked about where the the shown images would fit in my level. I believe having a documented ideas generation can be really useful for the idea generation itself and if you wanted to go back and see how you got the idea.

I then moved forward with creating the design pack. I kept it as simple as possible while still  having all the technical detail added to it. I started with making a rough plan with furniture first to see where the furniture goes and show a rough shape of the layout of the hospital using a "Autodesk Homestyler" and then made a proper plan of the layout using Adobe Illustrator which I used to make the actual walls of the hospital.

This was easier than making the walls one by one and this also helped me easily scale the walls to real world sizes which helped me get the sizes right for the models in proportion to each other. This process was all easy until I started to make the models. I ran in problems with texturing and the models themselves which took me off the schedule. I realized that I was over ambitious with models so I scrapped some of them and modelled the main models I needed for the walk through. After reducing the work load by making lesser models I finally finished making them and Imported them to Layout mode of modeller. I then laid out all the objects and then made the video walk through of the whole level using Light-wave.

Finally This project worked out good, I did run into some problems with the schedule and time by being over ambitious but was able to finish the project using my own time. The video itself turned out better than I expected since its my first time actually making a walk though video of a 3D space by moving the camera and working with key frames. Overall the project when pretty good, If I were to do a similar project again I will give more time to thinking about what I can actually do within the time given while not being over ambitious and use my time wisely. 

Task 7 - Presentation

Shown below is the completed walk through of my floor design for the hospital.

Task 6 - Prototype/Flythrough build

After making the models for the my environmental build I worked on creating the actual fly through after importing it to Lightwave layout. I used the template with the scaled figure to make sure that all the objects I imported from lightwave modeller.

I imported one of each furniture so I can clone then which would help reduce the render time of the project. I used the surface editor to do this surprisingly very simper than I expected. I had to select the objects in the layout mode and imply right click and clone. then its a case of using the move and rotation tools to place the objects in the places I want them to be.

I used the tools needed to clone and place all the objects I needed. I wanted to make the furniture to look out of place and make it look like something has gone wrong in this place. I also cloned the doors and windows. I left one room clean because I wanted the viewer/player to see what the rooms of the hospital are supposed to look like originally (before what ever happened) .

I then Put in the light lighting and set a camera to places that I wanted to see through to check weather the lighting has worked to my liking. I also added a ceiling to make the point lights I used more effective. Shown below are some screen shots I took using the quick render option with the lighting and camera path all set up.

Task 5 - Environment Build

Started with redrawing the plan I made using Autodesk Homestyler in Adobe Illustrator helping me export that design in to light wave modelling allowing me to extrude it to get all he walls to scale. Before exporting I cut out the spaces where the doors and windows will be in making It easier for me to model the doors and windows and then to insert them into he spaces made before.

After creating the walls on LightWave modeller I focused on creating the models that would be in the level. I also used Blender to make some models at home since I don't have access to Lightwave. I started to create all the furniture that is shown in the design pack to scale to help me put them in. I have also decided to use light wave layout rather than using unity game engine because of it is not compatible with some of the formats output by lightwave modeler with textures. Also the ease of controlling the camera. I started with making a bed which is the model I'd say hat I spend the most time on. It I simply used cylinders and cubes and manipulating those shapes using the extrude, move, copy, bevel and smooth options in various places.I used the point selection tool and move tool to create slight bumps on the blanket area to show that its not all neat.I decided to use procedural textures rather than UV textures because it is quicker and an easier way of texturing with more room of changing while seeing a preview of the model in real time rather than changing the UV map every time you get it wrong. Also procedural textures work with Lightwave layout mode which i will be using to make the walk though.

After making the the bed model I worked on using the right right textures for it. My initial idea for the hospital was to tell a story that it has been a while since something has gone wrong in it. So I wanted some of the furniture to look a little old, starting corrode and decay to show death. I used a metal texture with a slight corrosion pattern on it which I used on the frame of the bed. I also found two different fabric textures for the pillow and the mattress. I also found another fabric looking texture to be used with the blanket making sure the slight bumps I made would be visible.I had to experiment with the texture scaling to see if I got the sizes of each texture tile right.

After finishing off the bed I started to model a door with the door frame. I used options such as Boolean (subtraction), bevel and extrude to manipulate the cubes and spheres I used to make the door.I also changed the rotation pivot point of the door to where the door hinge will be to make it easier to make the angle of opening the door.I tried to keep it as low poly as possible to reduce the render time and reduce the time spent on this model. I used the bevel tool to create 4 parts within the door and then the same tool to make it seem like the parts of the door is coming out.

After modelling I started to texture the door using procedural textures just as before. I selected polygons that would represent different parts of the door such as the door frame, the actual door and the door knob. I then named the different polygons with suitable names so its easier for me to find them using the surface editor. I then added the different textures for the objects i previously named. I used different colored wood textures for for the actual door and the door frame so you can see the door frame frame from the door and to make it more realistic.

After modelling the door I started to make a medicine cabinet as shown in the design pack. I simply used cubes and manipulated them using bevel and extrude commands to put them together allowing me to make this model.

I then began to texture the medicine cabinet using different wood textures similar to the door by so the difference between the rest of the cabinet and the doors is apparent. 

I then started make the the windows using a cube again using the slice tool to make subdivision in the cube and then extruding and beveling them to my needed shape/model. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible for render time purposes and the time taken to do the actual models.

After making the model for the window I began to texture it. I Reused the texture that was used for the door and used a another texture to represent the glass. I had to use one with a blurred image outside because it is not actually transparent and i wanted to make it look like it is. I used procedural texture with a cubic pattern and change the scale and potion of the texture to make it look more fitting.

I worked on this chair using blender at first and then imported it to light wave. for this I simply created a cube with lots of subdivisions. Then selected the divisions on the 4 corners and extruded them out to create the legs for the chair.Then selected the subdivision on one edge and then extruded them out to get the backrest. I also used the smooth option to make parts of the chair smoother.

I then used a wood texture that was used before to texture the chair.I use procedural textures for this one too because of its ease to used and the time taken to do it. This was one of he more simpler models for the level, I didn't want to add any more details to the chair because I wanted to keep it simple and low poly count.

I then made a table which was one of the simplest models on the level, I used a cube and subdivision with the selection tool and extrude option to create the legs. I then used a wood texture that was previously used. I then re scaled it and used on the table. I used a different more darker texture on the legs of the table. to make it look like I used a different type of wood on it.

I then used the 2D image made using adobe illustrator to create a 3D version of it using the extrude option. I also made spaces where all the doors and windows will go so I can easily put them in when making the level. I made a ground floor and extruded them to a reasonable height that would represent the walls.

I used a normal wall texture that was seamless so the viewers can tell its repeated and it worked. I had to experiment with the scaling and positioning of the texture to make sure the sizes and the location where the texture is repeated is right.I also imported the scaled figure from moodle to make sure all my objects are scaled properly and luckily there were no problems with scaling.

Shown below are the links to all the textures I've used for this, I have reused most of the textures such as wood as stated before.


Bed Mattress

Bed Frame

Bed sheet


Door frame


Door knob

Medicine cabinet, Chair and windows frame


windows glass


Task 4 - Legal and Ethical Checklist

HA13 Task 3 – Design Pack

After researching on 1940s hospitals I have an idea that I will try my best to create a design pack with.

Shown below are the pictures of the model that will will design for the environment. All of the the models will be be on 1:1 scale with the real dimensions.I will show everything that will be in level here with the dimensions so it will be easier to show what I want the end result to be.



Dimensions :



Height : 1500

Width : 1200


Door for Ward


Height - 2100mm
Width - 1500mm

Hospital door dimensions


Door Dimensions

Height - 2000mm
Width - 1000mm


Door Frame Dimensions

For the door frames



Dimensions :

99 cm x 191 cm x 80 cm


This will be the size and design of the chairs I will be using in my 3D environment.


Medicine trolley 

Height : 1200mm
Width : 300 mm
length : 500 mm

Bedside table


Height : 700 mm
Width  : 300 mm
Length : 700 mm



Height : 600 mm
Width : 600 mm
Lenght : 1200 mm

Medicine Cabinet

Height : 2000 mm
Width : 400 mm
Length : 900 mm

Floor Plan

I designed the floor plan to have 6 individual rooms within a corridor and at the end of the corridor to have a ward area with beds, bedside tables and chairs for visitors. At the corner of the room I put a table a chair for the nurse stay as seen on mostly all of the research I've done. For the wall thicknesses I wanted the internet walls to be 100 mm and the external walls to be 200 mm.Wall height will be 2500 mm.

The rooms will have the same layout and same dimensions but with older furniture models. The sizes of the rooms here are shown here without taking the wall thickness into consideration.All furniture with the room will be duplicated six times within the 6 individual rooms.

The dimensions for the corridor is shown here including the wall thickness.

All furniture including the beds and windows will be duplicated 3 times to fill in the room to make it modular.

Shown above is a rough plan of where the furniture layout will be and the sizes of the walls. I also made a plan using adobe illustrator which can be exported to light wave and and then simply extrude the walls up.


HA13 Task 2 – Setting Research and Ideas Generation

My task was to choose from one of of the following to create a 3D environment.

Set in a prison beneath a castle during the medieval period. The setting is dingy, damp, dirty, dark and oppressive. There is evidence of torture and interrogation.
Set in the distant future, but designed like a 1970s vision of the future, featuring over-the-top, dated futuristic technology. It is clear that something has caused the crew to leave suddenly.
Set in a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which has pushed the health system to breaking point.
A surreal house in which all of the contents are notably not to scale. For example, the living room sofa is massive and requires stairs to sit on it and the TV is minuscule and needs a magnifying glass to view it, etc.

I have chosen to create a 3D level Inside a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which has pushed the health system.I will be looking at different areas of the hospital that could show the context of this situation to the maximum level. For an example The virus could be something that makes people go crazy t show the context to its maximum limit I could design the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Shown below are some examples that inspires me to create the environment I am creating right now.


This can be used as one of the main hall areas where patients with the virus be treated,a lot of modular areas can be seen looking at the beds and lamps being repeated.This also would be quite easy to model and to set up the lighting because its an open area with a lot of windows that could provide lighting.


The picture above also looks modular with the beds, lights and the windows being repeated. This has a different feel from the first picture because it looks to be a lot darker since the because of it's shape and lighting. A hospital ward similar to could be used to create a horror feelings and dark mood setting up the required context for this task. The modelling could help tell a story or give the audience a sense of what happened in this particular part of the hospital.For an example, I could make it that in one part a bed fell over and there are blood parks moving away from it then put a dead body in the distance. This could show that patient struggled trying escaping something and then died.


The room above could be used at create a well lit scene giving off a good and positive vibe despite the context of the scene. There still could be death and destruction but being not too gloomy and dark in the scene could reduce the horror of it. The picture above could also be used with modular modelling too since the beds are repeated.Indoor lighting may not be needed for this because of the amount of windows.


The scene above extracted from the game "evil within" can used in one of the rooms in the hospital, this scene could also tell a story that something went wrong here making the context more believable. The lighting of this scene also focuses on the dead person but no where else making everything else dark giving the viewer or player less information on what is lurking in the shadows. Even though this is not very modular I could make a scene like this in one of the rooms to change the pattern up and make the modular modelling seamless to the player. I still will be using a modular design while adding small details of non modular models.

The first part of this scene from mcaptain america features a hospital recovery room from the 1940s, this can help me to get the atmosphere right with the small detail such as old radios, radiator heaters and such. The colour scheme on the walls for one is very different t the hospitals today, so that could be a detail I could add to make the viewer more believable of the context. I will add some more will research some more pictures and videos of 1940s hospitals then combine them to create my own design pack.



The picture above is the best example of modular level design because alomost everything looks repeated over and over. I could also only use a directional light from outside to and create shadows as its coming through the windows to make it more realistic.




