Set in a prison beneath a castle during the
medieval period. The setting is dingy, damp, dirty, dark and oppressive.
There is evidence of torture and interrogation.
Set in the distant future, but designed like a
1970s vision of the future, featuring over-the-top, dated futuristic
technology. It is clear that something has caused the crew to leave suddenly.
Set in a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers
returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which
has pushed the health system to breaking point.
A surreal house in which all of the contents are
notably not to scale. For example, the living room sofa is massive and
requires stairs to sit on it and the TV is minuscule and needs a magnifying
glass to view it, etc.
I have chosen to create a 3D level Inside a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which has pushed the health system.I will be looking at different areas of the hospital that could show the context of this situation to the maximum level. For an example The virus could be something that makes people go crazy t show the context to its maximum limit I could design the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Shown below are some examples that inspires me to create the environment I am creating right now.
This can be used as one of the main hall areas where patients with the virus be treated,a lot of modular areas can be seen looking at the beds and lamps being repeated.This also would be quite easy to model and to set up the lighting because its an open area with a lot of windows that could provide lighting.
The picture above also looks modular with the beds, lights and the windows being repeated. This has a different feel from the first picture because it looks to be a lot darker since the because of it's shape and lighting. A hospital ward similar to could be used to create a horror feelings and dark mood setting up the required context for this task. The modelling could help tell a story or give the audience a sense of what happened in this particular part of the hospital.For an example, I could make it that in one part a bed fell over and there are blood parks moving away from it then put a dead body in the distance. This could show that patient struggled trying escaping something and then died.
The room above could be used at create a well lit scene giving off a good and positive vibe despite the context of the scene. There still could be death and destruction but being not too gloomy and dark in the scene could reduce the horror of it. The picture above could also be used with modular modelling too since the beds are repeated.Indoor lighting may not be needed for this because of the amount of windows.
The scene above extracted from the game "evil within" can used in one of the rooms in the hospital, this scene could also tell a story that something went wrong here making the context more believable. The lighting of this scene also focuses on the dead person but no where else making everything else dark giving the viewer or player less information on what is lurking in the shadows. Even though this is not very modular I could make a scene like this in one of the rooms to change the pattern up and make the modular modelling seamless to the player. I still will be using a modular design while adding small details of non modular models.
The first part of this scene from mcaptain america features a hospital recovery room from the 1940s, this can help me to get the atmosphere right with the small detail such as old radios, radiator heaters and such. The colour scheme on the walls for one is very different t the hospitals today, so that could be a detail I could add to make the viewer more believable of the context. I will add some more will research some more pictures and videos of 1940s hospitals then combine them to create my own design pack.
The picture above is the best example of modular level design because alomost everything looks repeated over and over. I could also only use a directional light from outside to and create shadows as its coming through the windows to make it more realistic.